Formatting Your Manuscript and Sample Pages

Most literary agents will ask for a few samples pages to go along with your query letter when you’re pitching your book, or they will eventually ask you to send over sample chapters. The pages you share are an extremely important part of the querying process. While the initial query letter is meant to attract the agent’s attention and make them want to read your book, the sample pages are where you show off your writing style and highlight your skills as a writer and storyteller.

I’ve had many writers ask me how they should format sample pages and requested material. If you are asked to paste sample pages into an email as part of the querying process, make sure the format isn’t messed up after copying and pasting from your manuscript document. For example: double-spacing and paragraph indents are not necessary when the manuscript text is included in the body of an email. The more stylistic changes to the manuscript, the higher the chance something will look strange on the other person’s screen, so keep formatting as simple as possible. Agents will expect the full manuscript is formatted more “properly” than the copied and pasted selection.

When sending in attachments (like requests for partial/full manuscripts and proposals), you should consider following these guidelines:

1. Double space your manuscript. This makes things so much easier to read on a screen (and most agents read manuscripts on a computer or an e-reader—very few print off submissions these days).

2. Use a traditional font. Traditional serif fonts like Times New Roman help with legibility. Don’t get fancy. Font should typically be size 12.

3. Keep your page layout simple. Use standard page margins (1” on either side is fine) and include page numbers if possible.

4. Include your query letter as the first page of your manuscript document. This isn’t always asked for, but it is really helpful. Having all your material in one spot helps agents review your work quickly and efficiently.

5. Name the document the title of your manuscript. This is so important. Do not use an agent or agency name as the document name; this may help you keep things organized (so you know where you sent what), but it doesn’t help the recipient at all. I download many requested manuscripts that are named “Maria Vicente” when what I really want to know is the name of the manuscript I’m opening. The document should be the title of your book (and perhaps your name as well).

A few more tips when it comes to submitting sample pages:

Follow the directions. If an agent’s submission guidelines ask you to submit the first five pages, then submit the first five pages. If you’re asked to submit three chapters, then only submit three chapters. And because I’m asked this question often: if the requested number of sample pages end in the middle of a sentence, I suggest including the next few words to conclude the paragraph (but don’t include one or two extra pages of text to end a chapter).

Edit more than once. Your manuscript should already be revised (never submit to literary agents unless your manuscript has been through enough drafts that you’re happy with the final result), but you want to go over your sample pages again before sending anything to an agency. These few sample pages give a first impression of your writing style, so you want them free from errors.

Consider the strength of your first chapter. It’s worth noting that you should send sample pages/chapters from the beginning of the book. Too often writers will submit pages from the middle of a manuscript because it is a “more interesting” scene or it “shows off the writing” better than the beginning of the book. Your manuscript should shine from the very first paragraph—the beginning of your manuscript should be just as enticing as the scene halfway through that you want to send over instead. Agents want to know how the book begins. Of course the book is going to get better and more exciting as someone reads further, but your opening pages should still be captivating. If you picked your book up at a bookstore and read only the first page, would you want to continue reading?

Remember that your query letter is only the first step to winning over an agent. Your sample pages need to deliver what your query promises, so you do need to spend extra time revising and editing those pages before hitting send.


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